
Vulnerably Speaking

I am passionate about design conversations, and believe that they are essential to my growth as a designer. Watch me live or view past recordings of events below.

Personal Branding

Personal Branding

“Join Julia Fernandez (@adesignwoman) as she talks about how to leverage your personal brand on social media, your portfolio, and beyond. Whether you’ve already started developing your brand or if you have no idea where to begin, this workshop is for anybody who wants their online presence to be memorable. She’ll cover the basics of understanding the importance of branding and finally the 5 secret ingredients you need for a successful personal brand.”

Hosted by @internnet

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Creating impactful UX for AR/VR

Creating impactful UX for AR/VR

Design can be a powerful tool to evoke and influence emotions. In this digital age, a designer's role is increasingly important to create delightful experiences for its users. In this talk, Sarah Tan will be presenting ways to create impactful AR/VR and digital experiences through animation. The talk will also introduce tools and programs for others to start learning if they're interested in making animations, UI elements, or AR/VR development.

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UX + Racism: Designing a New Narrative

UX + Racism: Designing a New Narrative

Anthropologists like Audrey and Brian Smedley and Isabel Wilkerson have written profound works about race in America, but how does this relate to UX? Join Students of UXD with our next speaker, Vincent Brathwaite, as he explores the question of "How might we dismantle the narrative of race in the US?".

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Do’s and Dont’s for UX Portfolios

Do’s and Dont’s for UX Portfolios

Join user experience designer, educator, and content creator Elizé Todd in Students of UXD's first partnership with Adobe Experience Lab as we understand portfolio Dos and Dont's together. We'll be reviewing great portfolio examples as well as 3-4 live portfolio reviews during the event—so don't miss your chance at getting your own portfolio reviewed live in front of a live Crowdcast audience!

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Leveraging Your Network as a Designer

Leveraging Your Network as a Designer

Your network is your net worth, and this is especially true for designers! If you’ve been wondering how to best leverage and utilize your network as a designer, join SOUXD at our next event with Victoria Wu, Antonio Song, and Brandon Lal—all are interns turned Associate Product Designers at LinkedIn!

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Think you know UX? Think again.

Think you know UX? Think again.

It's easy to have crystallizing biases as new students of the UX design world. Lots of posts on LinkedIn prescribe an idea of what is and what isn't correct about the UX world, and we've got to make sure we aren't vulnerable to opinions and potential misinformation that we might have to unlearn the hard way. What exactly is UX, and what do people think it is? What does it mean to manage one's personal UX maturity level? What can you do to make sure you don't stop learning?

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Articulating Design Decisions

Articulating Design Decisions

Every designer has had to justify designs to non-designers, yet most lack the ability to explain themselves in a way that is compelling and fosters agreement. The ability to effectively articulate design decisions is critical to the success of a project because the most articulate person often wins. Join Tom Greever at our Articulating Design Decisions event to learn and improve how you can articulate your design decisions.

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Accessibility for Digital Content

Accessibility for Digital Content

Accessibility for Digital Content: Impact, Simulations, and Examples with Manasi Vaidya will take everyone through simulations which will help us understand how the differently-abled experience the Web. We will understand how creating accessible personas and considering accessibility enhances the research phase of projects with the help of some examples.

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LGBTQ + UX is designed to spark a conversation about inclusion of LGBTQ+ identities in the design of UX. This presentation will discuss the basics of gender and queer identity, and will break down how diversity can be recognized and represented in UX systems.

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Putting the “A” in STE[A]M

Putting the “A” in STE[A]M

Join me in my workshop with AI Hacks this coming September where I answer questions about what it's like to be a Graphic Design Major and a Freelance Designer!

Please email Lavanya@aihacks.org to request a recording

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Why Design? | TecHacks

Why Design? | TecHacks

Join me as I educate high-schoolers and college students about why design is important in a 1-hour crash course on the #TLDR of design.

Please email techacks.us@gmail.com to request a recording

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